Azure Dev Spaces – Debug Containers directly in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) from Visual Studio 2017

This is second part of the series on Azure Dev Spaces. The first part of this services describes steps needed to deploy Angular App and Core Web API to AKS using Azure Dev Spaces. This article will show ease of debugging containers deployed in AKS from Visual Studio 2017.

In the first part of this series, I had created a sample Core Web API app and deployed that to AKS using Azure Dev Spaces. The steps needed to debug Core Web API application running in AKS are

  • Install Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes. Once installation completes, open ‘Tools -> Extensions and Updates’ in Visual Studio and update this extension for any updates.
  • Open SampleWebApp solution in Visual Studio. The source code can be downloaded from GitHub.
  • Select Debug target as Azure Dev Spaces

  • Add a breakpoint in Get method of UsersController which we are going to debug
  • Start Debugging and select AKS cluster and Space in Azure Dev Spaces prompt
  • You can get public URL from Output window by selecting Azure Dev Spaces as displayed below
  • Open http://{URL}/api/users in browser and request will hit the breakpoint added previously

You can check the status of URL by running command azds list-uris. If URL isn’t available for more than 5 minutes you will need to delete PODS as explained in previous article. This completes this article which showed how easy it is to debug containers deployed in AKS from Visual Studio 2017 using Azure Dev Spaces.

Azure Dev Spaces – Deploying Angular and Core App to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This article will show the ease of running and deploying containers in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with minimal dev machine setup with Azure Dev Spaces. I am going to reuse sample application components from my previous article on AKS. With Azure Dev Spaces, you can develop on Windows, Mac, or Linux using familiar tools like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or the command line. I have chosen Visual Studio Code on Mac.

In this article, I will share the steps needed to deploy sample application I created in Angular and Core Web API using Azure Dev Spaces.

At time of writing this article Azure Dev Spaces is in preview and is isn’t available in all regions.

Continue reading “Azure Dev Spaces – Deploying Angular and Core App to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)”