GitHub Repositories

GitHub code repositories links for blogs are

Azure Kubernetes Service: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana

This is the sample source code for setting up Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana cluster in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and covers scenarios listed below

  • consume messages from Event Hub using Logstash pipelines
  • consume messages from Redis using Logstash pipelines
  • secure communications in ELK cluster
  • Azure AD SAML based SSO for Elasticsearch and Kibana

Azure Kubernetes Service: Angular, ASP.NET Core Web API and SQL Server

This is the sample source code for setting up Angular, ASP.NET Core Web API and SQL Server in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and covers scenarios listed below

  • Deploying these components to AKS
  • Multiple ways to load App configuration in Core Web API
  • Add real-time web functionality to Angular application using ASP.NET Core SignalR, Azure SignalR service and Azure SignalR Service bindings for Azure Functions 2.0
  • Deploy SonarQube to Azure Kubernetes Service cluster and integrate with Azure DevOps build pipeline
  • Host your ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web App with IIS (in-process and out-of-process hosting model) and deploy to Docker Windows Containers
  • Configure Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness probes for ASP.NET Core 2.2 web application using Health checks

Azure Kubernetes Service: Host ASP.NET Core 3.0 app in Docker Windows Server containers

Build and deploy ASP.NET Core 3.0 Web App to Windows Nodes(Windows containers) running in Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

Azure Functions 2.0

Azure Functions is a server-less compute service that enables you to run code on-demand without having to explicitly provision or manage infrastructure. The scenarios are listed below

  • Create Azure Functions triggered by Azure Blob storage and Event hub in Visual Studio Code Debug locally in Visual Studio Code
  • Deploy Azure Functions to Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Create Function App from Docker Image (Functions triggered by Cosmos DB, Blob storage, Event Hub and SignalR service bindings)

Azure Dev Spaces

With Azure Dev Spaces, you can develop on Windows, Mac, or Linux using familiar tools like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or the command line. The scenario is a sample application I have developed in Angular and Core Web API using Azure Dev Spaces.

Word Document Generator

WordDocumentGenerator is a utility to generate Word documents from templates using Visual Studio 2017, .NET Framework 4.7 and DocumentFormat.OpenXml 2.8.1. WordDocumentGenerator helps generate Word documents both non-refresh-able as well as refresh-able based on predefined templates using minimum code changes. Content controls are used as placeholders for document generation.