How to unit test SQL Server 2008 database using Visual Studio 2010 – Part 2

This is the second article I am writing on unit testing SQL Server 2008 database using Visual Studio 2010. The other articles are

Unit test SQL Server 2008 – Part 1 – Focused on setting up environment, creating database project and executing simple unit tests

Unit test SQL Server 2008 – Part 3 – Focused on data generation, schema comparison, data comparison and data driven unit tests

In this article I will explore the important features that can be configured to build comprehensive database unit tests. The two assemblies that are the backbone for database unit testing are

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework: This assembly is the testing framework assembly the test engine depends on when executing the unit tests. I won’t get into details of the parts of this assembly and focus on some the the important attributes that are required to execute an database unit test.
    • Microsoft.Data.Schema.UnitTesting: This assembly provides the classes required to create and execute database unit test. In this blog I’ll focus on this assembly.

In this article I’ll dig deep into these two assemblies and explore the various components of these assemblies that are used to execute unit test for a database.

I’ll start with the Database Unit Test Designer and then move on to explaining various components.

Database Unit Test Designer:

I have highlighted the various options available in Database Unit Test Designer and added short description as displayed below


The scripts that are created are stored in the resource file.

I’ll now discuss the important components of the Unit Testing Ecosystem which reside inside the assemblies


This assembly is the testing framework assembly that the unit test engine depends upon while executing unit tests.


This namespace supplies classes that provide unit testing support. This namespace contains many attributes that identify test information to the test engine regarding data sources, order of method execution, program management, agent/host information, and deployment data.

I will touch upon the important attributes and classes that are required by the test engine to execute unit tests.

    • TestClassAttribute: The class containing test methods should be marked with this attribute else the tests won’t execute. This attribute can only be applied to a class.
    • AssemblyInitializeAttribute: Method marked with this attribute will be run prior to methods marked with ClassInitializeAttribute, TestInitializeAttribute, and TestMethodAttribute attributes. This attribute can only be applied to a method. Only one method in an assembly may be decorated with this attribute. An example of usage of this attribute is setting up database based upon setting from a configuration file i.e. deploying database, generating data.
    • AssemblyCleanupAttribute: Method marked with this attribute will be run after all the test methods  in that assembly will execute i.e. after methods marked with TestMethodAttribute, TestCleanupAttribute and ClassCleanupAttribute attributes. This attribute can only be applied to a method. Only one method in an assembly may be decorated with this attribute. This method won’t execute  if there is any exception in the method marked with AssemblyInitialize attribute.
    • ClassInitializeAttribute: Method marked with this attribute will run only once in the entire test. This attribute can only be applied to a method. This method runs before the method marked with TestInitialize attribute and after the method marked with AssemblyInitialze attribute. A class can have only one method marked with this attribute.
    • ClassCleanupAttribute: Method marked with this attribute will run only once in the entire test. This attribute can only be applied to a method. This method runs before the method marked with AssemblyCleanup attribute and after the method marked with TestCleanup attribute. A class can have only one method marked with this attribute. This method won’t execute  if there is any exception in the method marked with ClassInitialize attribute.
    • TestMethodAttribute: Test method should be marked with this attribute else method won’t execute. This attribute can only be applied to a method.
    • TestInitializeAttribute: The method that is marked with this attribute runs before each test is executed. This method runs before methods marked with TestMethod attribute and after method marked with ClassInitialize attribute. This attribute can only be applied to a method. A class can have only one method marked with this attribute.
    • TestCleanupAttribute: The method that is marked with this attribute runs after each test is executed. This method runs before method marked with ClassCleanup attribute and after methods marked with TestMethod attribute. This attribute can only be applied to a method. A class can have only one method marked with this attribute. This method won’t execute  if there is any exception in the method marked with TestInitialize attribute.
    • DataSourceAttribute: This attribute provides data-source specific information for data-driven testing.
    • PriortyAttribute: This attribute is used to specify the priorty of an unit test.
    • IgnoreAttribute: This attribute is used to ignore the unit test i.e. specific test should not run.
    • ExpectedExceptionAttribute: This is used in case exception is expected during execution of unit test.
    • Assert: This class verifies conditions in unit test.
    • TestContext: This class is used to store information that is provided to unit tests.
    • TestConfigurationSection: This class provides access to data source configuration data.
    • TestConfiguration: This class provides access to a TestConfigurationSection that represents the microsoft.visualstudio.testtools section in an app.config file.

The order in which methods marked with these attributes will run by the test engine is displayed below assuming we have one assembly, one class marked with TestClassAttribute, one method marked with TestMethodAttribute. I have provided this example as

    1. Methods marked with AssemblyInitialize and AssemblyCleanUp attributes will execute only once for an assembly.
    2. Methods marked with ClassInitialize and ClassCleanUp attributes will execute only once for each class in an assembly.
    3. Methods marked with TestInitialize and TestCleanUp attributes will execute before and after respectively for each test method(i.e. method marked with TestMethod attribute).


I have discussed the common attributes required by the test engine to execute unit test. For more information about this assembly please read this link microsoft.visualstudio.testtools.unittesting. I’ll now move on to the next assembly i.e. Microsoft.Data.Schema.UnitTesting.


This assembly provides the classes to run and execute unit tests. The classes grouped by namespace for this assembly are displayed below



This namespace provides classes that you can use to create and execute database unit tests. The classes are listed below

    • DatabaseTestClass: This is the base calss for a database unit test. This class derives from Component. For more information about choosing between IComponent, Component, IDisposable, MarshalByValueComponent and Control while implementing a class please read my blog How to Choose Component, IComponent ….
    • ConnectionContext: This class encapsulated the database connection associated with the database unit test. In the DatabaseTestClass we have two properties of this type i.e. ExecutionContext and PrivilegedContext. The ExecutionContext and PrivelegedContext differ only if SQL Server authentication is used. If Windows authentication is used same credentials will be used for both. There is a reason behind having two separate contexts inside a DatabaseTestClass
        • ExecutionContext: This defines the context used to execute the Transact-Sql script associated with an unit test. Ideally connection string should have same credentials as that of end user. This is the ExecutionContext element in the App.config.
        • PrivilegedContext: This is optional and defines the context used for running the pre-test action, post-test action, TestInitialize, and TestCleanup scripts. This connection string is also used to deploy database changes and generate data. This is the PrivilegedContext element in the App.config. If unit tests run the test script only, then there is no need to specify a privileged context.
    • DatabaseTestAction: This class contains Transact-Sql test script and test actions.
    • DatabaseTestActions: This class is the design time equivalent of test and contains PostTestAction, PreTestAction and TestAction that are of type DatabaseTestAction.
    • DatabaseTestService: This class provides methods to Deploy database project, Execute test, Generate data and opening of Execution context and privileged execution contexts.
    • ExecutionResult: This is the result for and unit test and contains Dataset, execution time and rows affected.
    • ExpectedSqlExceptionAttribute: This attribute specifies that unit test is expecting a SQL exception and optionally specify the error number, severity, and state of the expected error.
    • TestScript: This class represents a generated SQL test
    • UnitTestingDesignService: Provides the base class for database schema providers to generate scripts for objects in their project system.


This namespace provides classes used to read or write configuration information to the DatabaseUnitTesting section of the app.config. The classes are listed below

    • ConnectionContextElement: This class represents the ExecutionContext or PrivilegedContext configuration element in the DatabaseUnitTesting section of the app.config file
    • DatabaseDeploymentElement: This class represents the DatabaseDeployment configuration element in the DatabaseUnitTesting section of the app.config file.
    • DatabaseUnitTestingSection: This class represents the DatabaseUnitTesting configuration section in the app.config file.
    • DatabaseGenerationElement: This class represents the DataGeneration configuration element in the DatabaseUnitTesting section of the app.config file.


This namespace provides classes that you can use to create and manage test conditions. The classes are listed below

    • TestCondition: Base class of all test conditions.
    • ChecksumCondition: This condition verifies the checksum of the result set in a database unit test.
    • DataSetTestCondition: This is the base class for test conditions that operate on a DataSet and are configured by the user during test “design time”.
    • EmptyResultSetCondition: For this test conditon to succeed Execution.DataSet property must be empty.
    • ExecutionTimeCondition: If test takes more time to execute than specified by this condition test fails.
    • ExpectedSchemaCondition: Specifies that result set of a database unit test must match a specific schema.
    • InconclusiveCondition: Represents a default condition where nothing is required or expected of a test result.
    • NotEmptyResultSetCondition: For this test conditon to succeed Execution.DataSet property should not be empty.
    • ResultSetCondition: Represents the base class for all test conditions that operate on one ResultSet.
    • RowCountCondition: Defines a test condition that verifies the number of rows in the ResultSet that is returned by a database unit test.
    • ScalarValueCondition: Verifies that a particular value in a specific row and column was expected.

This concludes the part-2 of the series “How to unit test SQL Server 2008 using Visual Studio 2010”.

In the next article I’ll show how to unit test a database using the components discussed in this article.

The link to next article of this series is Unit test database – Part 3 Tags: Unit Test,SqL Server 2008,Visual Studio 2010

How to choose between IDisposable, IComponent, Component, MarshalByValueComponent and Control while implementing a Class

In this article I’ll discuss about the criteria behind choosing IDisposable, IComponent, Component, MarshalByValueComponent and base Control classes(System.Windows.Form.Control and System.Web.UI.Control) while implementing a Class.

Prior to discussing further I’d like to share the reason behind this article. I ran code analysis in a project code and got a warning that Dispose was not called for a DataSet in the project’s code. I than called the Dispose method for that particular DataSet and this time code analysis executed with zero errors/warnings. Out of curiosity I thought of verifying the use of calling Dispose on DataSet as even though when Dispose was not being called everything was fine. I found that calling Dispose method did nothing as DataSet is a managed object and does not contain unmanaged resources(if I’m wrong please correct me on this). I could verify this as I was able to access/update the DataSet even after Dispose had been called without any “Object Disposed Exception”. FeatureSchema  is a typed DataSet as displayed in code snippet below

FeatureSchema fs = Proxy.GetFeatureSchema();



foreach (FeatureSchema.FeatureRow featureRow in fs.Feature.Rows)


//Do procesing on dataset



I went one step further to find the reason behind having Dispose method in DataSet/DataTable and the reason was inheritance as DataSet/DataTable inherits from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent class. The reason DataSet/DataTable inherits MarshalByValueComponent class so that it can be designable i.e. used on a design surface. Thus DataSet/DataTable has dispose method even though it doesn’t clean up the resources. DataSet/DataTable call GC.SuppressFinalize in the constructor to prevent the Garbage Collector from calling Object.Finalize on an object that does not require it.
This can be proved by the code snippet displayed below
I have a typed dataset FeatureSchema and I have added a destructor to it. I have excluded the code that was auto generated as I am focusing on finalizers only
public partial class FeatureSchema : global::System.Data.DataSet


//Added only a destructor to this types dataset. I have excluded all other code

// as I am focusing on finalizers

~FeatureSchema ()





As displayed below I am loading data to this typed dataset from an .xml file
//I am just loading the data into this typed dataset

FeatureSchema schema = new FeatureSchema();

schema.ReadXml(featureSchemaFile, XmlReadMode.Auto);

As DataSet calls GC.SuppressFinalize in the constructor Object.Finalize will not be called by the Garbage Collector. This can be verified by placing a break point on the destructor and you will find that it is not getting called.
Now I will call GC.ReRegisterForFinalize as displayed in the code snippet below
FeatureSchema schema = new FeatureSchema();


schema.ReadXml(featureSchemaFile, XmlReadMode.Auto);

Calling GC.ReRegisterForFinalize will register the object for finalization. I am doing this as I know that DataSet calls GC.SuppressFinalize in the constructor. Now the code will break on the break point which I placed on the destructor at some random time i.e. when GC will execute the “GC Finalizer Thread”.
This verifies the need of calling GC.SuppressFinalize from the constructor of DataSet/DataTable to prevent the garbage collector from requesting finalization.
Even though Dispose in DataSet/DataTable does nothing we should not ignore it and stick to the .Net coding practices otherwise in future versions of Framework things may break. Please do correct me if I am wrong. This concludes the reason behind this article.
I’ll continue with the main theme of article. The guidelines for implementers are


  • IDisposable:

    If a class uses external resources and will not be used on a design surface IDisposable interface has to be implemented directly or indirectly e.g. System.Drawing.Font class etc.

  • IComponent:

    If a class will be used on a design surface IComponent interface has be implemented directly or indirectly. IComponent implements IDisposable e.g. System.Web.UI.Control class etc.

  • Component:

    If a class will be used on a design surface and is Marshalled by reference then it has to derive from Component class e.g. System.Timers.Timer class etc.

  • MarshalByValueComponent:

    If a class will be used on a design surface and is Marshalled by value then it has to derive from MarshalByValueComponent class e.g. DataSet, DataTable etc.

  • Control:

    If a class will be used on a design surface and provides a user interface then this class is a control and has to derive from System.Windows.Form.Control or System.Web.UI.Control e.g. System.Windows.Forms.Button etc.

The above discussion does not apply to WPF. The WPF Designer architecture is significantly different from the Windows Forms Designer architecture, which is characterized by the IComponent interface and the System.ComponentModel namespace. The WPF Designer architecture retains the TypeConverter and TypeDescriptor classes from the Windows Forms Designer object model. Most other aspects of the WPF Designer architecture are different. For more information please read Comparing the Windows Forms Designer Framework to the WPF Designer Framework

Refrences: Tags: .NET,.NET Framework,IDisposable,IComponent,Component,MarshalByValueComponent,Control,Windows Forms,ASP.NET,DataSet,DataTable,Garbage Collector,GC

How to unit test SQL Server 2008 database using Visual Studio 2010

In this article I’ll discuss about unit testing SQL Server 2008 Database project using Visual Studio 2010. As Unit tests test the part of the program integration testing becomes easier, moreover unit tests help enhancing, maintaining or extending a solution provided they are well written. This is first part of this series “How to unit test SQL Server 2008 database using Visual Studio 2010”. The next parts of this series are

Unit test SQL Server 2008 – Part 2 – Focuses on internals of database unit testing i.e. assemblies

Unit test SQL Server 2008 – Part 3 – Focuses on data generation, schema comparison, data comparison and data driven unit tests

There is no use to write an unit test badly as later on maintainability of the solution suffers. It either has to be a good unit test or no test at all. It’s better to eliminate bugs early rather than late and that is where unit tests wins. Secondly they can be fully automated and ideally should be.

Assuming a team is developing a solution and no unit testing is introduced. After 2 weeks they realize that some bugs have been introduced into the system. Now in order to find and fix these the team

  1. needs to track all the changes to find when it got introduced
  2. check for the features that are dependent and fix them
  3. it may happen and to be true happens most of the time that the other features implemented though working fine may break with the fix that will be applied to close these bugs e.g. initial state of the code is S1. Developer A checks in that code and now state is S2. Developer B fixes some bug that was there in S1. As Developer B is working on codebase S2 so after he fixes the bug the state of code is S3. It was reported that there was an bug in changes Developer A made. Now as Developer B has checked in on state S2 and if those depend on Developer A changes that means after Developer A will fix his part, Developer B changes will break. See how much havoc it can create as here I considered only 2 check ins and 2 Developers.

This is where the power of writing good unit tests kick in. This ripple effect of bugs had not happened if unit testing framework was incorporated into the system. This adds to the confidence of the team and confidence can have a positive effect beyond the boundaries of the team. The next point is “Is unit testing a overload” and the answer is “No” unless you write bad unit tests.

“With power comes great responsibility” quote from Spiderman movie seems to be the right answer. I can go deep into unit tests but in this article I’ll discuss how we can unit test SQL Server 2008 database using Visual Studio 2010.

There are templates for SQL Server 2005 database project in Visual Studio 2008/2010 but those are out of scope of this article as I have not tried them. They may or may not have the same workflow as discussed later so I will restrict the scope of this article to only VS 2010 and SQL Server 2008.


VS 2010 Ultimate

SQL Server 2008

Test Data:

In this example as displayed below I will implement unit test for adding a Student i.e. uspAddStudent store procedure. If unit test has to be written for uspAddEventPass stored procedure then we need to set pre-test conditions as it has foreign key relation to Student and Event tables along with the test condition.


Please find below the SQL script for creating the test database for unit testing. This script will be imported so please save this to file.

USE [SampleDB]


/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Event]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:36 ******/





CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Event](

[EventId] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[EventName] [nchar](100) NOT NULL,



[EventId] ASC




/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Student]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:36 ******/





CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student](

[StudentId] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[StudentName] [nchar](100) NOT NULL,



[StudentId] ASC




/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[EventPass]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:37 ******/





CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EventPass](

[EventPassId] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[EventId] [bigint] NOT NULL,

[StudentId] [bigint] NOT NULL,



[EventPassId] ASC




/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[uspAddStudent]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:38 ******/





-- =============================================

-- Author:        <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description:    <Description,,>

-- =============================================

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspAddStudent]

-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

@StudentName nchar(100)



-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- Insert statements for procedure here

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Student]





/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[uspAddEvent]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:38 ******/





-- =============================================

-- Author:        <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description:    <Description,,>

-- =============================================

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspAddEvent]

-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

@EventName nchar(100)



-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- Insert statements for procedure here

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Event]





/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[uspGetEventDetails]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:38 ******/





-- =============================================

-- Author:        <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description:    <Description,,>

-- =============================================

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetEventDetails]



-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- Insert statements for procedure here

SELECT EP.[EventPassId],EP.[EventId], E.EventName, EP.[StudentId], S.StudentName

FROM [dbo].[EventPass] As EP

INNER JOIN .dbo.Student As S

ON EP.StudentId = S.StudentId

INNER JOIN .dbo.[Event] As E

ON EP.[EventId] = E.[EventId]



/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[uspAddEventPass]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:38 ******/





-- =============================================

-- Author:        <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description:    <Description,,>

-- =============================================

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspAddEventPass]

-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

@EventId bigint,

@StudentId bigint



-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- Insert statements for procedure here

INSERT INTO [dbo].[EventPass]








/****** Object:  ForeignKey [FK_EventPass_Event]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:37 ******/


REFERENCES [dbo].[Event] ([EventId])


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[EventPass] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_EventPass_Event]


/****** Object:  ForeignKey [FK_EventPass_Student]    Script Date: 07/27/2010 06:20:37 ******/

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[EventPass]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_EventPass_Student] FOREIGN KEY([StudentId])

REFERENCES [dbo].[Student] ([StudentId])


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[EventPass] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_EventPass_Student]



Step 1:

Open Visual Studio and create a new SQL Server 2008 Database Project as displayed below


Step 2:

Save the test SQL script for on you machine. Right click the project and click import script and import the saved script as displayed below


After import is done you will find the schema objects as highlighted below


Step 3:

In the Properties –> Deploy tab of the project set

Configure deployment settings for –> My Isolated development environment

Deploy Action –> Create a deployment script(.sql) and deploy to database

Target Connection –> Edit/New connection

Deployment configuration file –> Edit –> Uncheck Block incremental deployment if data loss might occur checkbox

as displayed below


Here an isolated development environment is set so that each database developer can make and test changes without affecting other members of the team. The isolated database development environment is based on the database project that contains the definitions for all the objects that are in the production database.

Create a deployment script(.sql) and deploy to database is selected as we want the database project to be deployed for each build configuration.

When you make changes to a database project and deploy them to a database server, some changes can result in data loss from database project being dropped and recreated. Here data loss is allowed as we are working in an isolated development environment on a database that is populated with test data.

Save changes and Build the solution.

Step 4:

Deploy this project as displayed below


You can configure the properties as displayed below. If you click Show All files then you can view the files generated e.g. in Debug mode. The connection string that you specified is saved in sql –> debug –> UnitTestDB.deploymanifest


Step 5:

I’ll now create database unit tests for the stored procedures. As displayed below go to View –> Database Schema View and then right click the stored procedure for which you want to write unit test and click Create Unit Tests as displayed below.

In case this option is disabled then there must be some issue with the sql file that has been imported and check the Error List for Warnings/Errors e.g. in my case I had specified [Database].[Schema].[Object] in one of the store procedure and though there was warning but I ignored as there were no errors 🙂 and when I tried to create the unit test the option was disabled. The fix was to use [Schema].[Object] as displayed below



Now select the procedures as displayed below


Step 6:

In the configuration dialog for project ‘SampleDBTestProject’ configure options as displayed below


The connection string that you specified is saved in the app.config of this project.

Step 7:

Open the SampleDBStoredProcedureUnitTests as displayed below


Select dbo_uspAddStudentTest and in Test Conditions remove Inconclusive test condition. If an Inconclusive Test Condition is added to a database unit test, the test will always fail with an Inconclusive result. It’s not a passed result, nor a failed result. It indicates that the results of the test could not be verified. Add Row Count test condition  and set Row Count = 1 as only one row gets added when this store procedure runs as displayed below


The snippet is displayed below

-- unit test for dbo.uspAddStudent



@StudentName = 'Unit Test';

EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[uspAddStudent] @StudentName;

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Student];

Step 8:

Go to Test –> Windows –> Test View and select dbo_uspAddEventTest and Run Selection as displayed below.


In the Test Results the results of the tests run will be displayed. In case a particular test fails it will display as failed and the reason for failure.

In the same way the unit tests for other stored procedures can be written by specifying the Pre-Test/Test/Post-Test Conditions and Test Conditions.

The link to the next part of this series is Unit test SQL Server 2008 – Part 2 Tags: Visual Studio 2010,SQL Server 2008,Unit Test,Test View,Database Schema View
